Patrick Kaloust ASLANIAN, Career path
Born in 1956 to a Greek-Armenian father and a French mother, he spent his early childhood in Thessaloniki. When he was six, he left for France. He lived in Paris, Normandy and the South of France for no more than 3 years at a time. His first interests were in art, which was to become his homeland: poems and songs inked his dreams.
1976: After his baccalauréat, he leaves Normandy for St Ouen, where he has his own painting studio. For sculpture, a Belgian friend, Jean-Marie Béchet, lends him his studio in Issy les Moulineaux. He attended the Vasarely workshop at the University of Vincennes.
Influenced by the Stilj movement and the Bauhaus school, his trips to Holland led him to discover the works of Hans Arp, Paul Klee, Van Gogh and Pietr Mondrian, as well as contemporaries such as Luc Peire, Sato Satoru and Jean-Pierre Ghesquière.
1978-79: Back in Greece, he held the first retrospective of his work at the French Institute in Thessaloniki. He took part in the Festival of Modern Music. During a summer at Edinboro Stage College in Pennsylvania, he continued his training in "fine and apply media art" before returning to France.
1980-1981: he completed his undergraduate degree in architecture in Marseille. He studied art history, his great passion, and the various theories on colour and harmony. During this period he married and had two wonderful children. He worked freelance in an architecture firm in Brignoles, then as a wood-cutting salesman in a supermarket.
1984-1986: New departure near Thessaloniki, where he held several exhibitions with his wife.
1987-1989: Back in France, he attended the Ecole Normale de Draguignan, and became a primary school teacher.
He later became an educational adviser. It was at this time that he discovered computers, which quickly became a tool at the service of his musical and pictorial creation. He then became a trainer for schools in the Haut Var region.
1992: With Guy Simon and Joanny Tierrant, artists from his village, he founded "Orenda Création" and organised numerous exhibitions and competitions throughout the PACA region until 1998.
2009-2024: After retiring from the French Ministry of Education, he moved to a mountain village in Crete, became a tourist guide at Sitia Beach and started producing musical compositions, which he published via streaming.
Part of his graphic universe is abstract, while the rest is rooted in the landscapes he comes into contact with on a daily basis.
Many of his current creations use digital tools.
Whatever the medium used (photos, drawings, graphics tablets, computer processing), his work exudes joie de vivre.
He lives far from the major cultural centres, but his demanding and prolific creativity thrives there.